Hormone therapy Lakewood, CO - Elite Hormone Health

Understanding Hormones and Imbalances

Hormones are essential chemical messengers that regulate many processes in the body. When hormones are out of balance, it can negatively impact both physical and mental health. Common signs of a hormone imbalance include:

Hormone testing is crucial for identifying deficiencies or excesses. At our Elite Hormone Health clinic in Lakewood, we offer advanced hormone testing to pinpoint exactly which hormones require treatment.

Origins of Hormonal Imbalances

There are several potential causes of hormonal imbalances:

Prompt diagnosis and treatment can alleviate discomfort and prevent long term health consequences associated with sustained hormone disturbances.

Our services

Specialized Testing Available

At Elite Hormone Health we utilize advanced testing methods not offered at standard laboratories. We can accurately evaluate female hormones like:

As well as key hormones that impact many aspects of health:

This allows us to create fully customized hormone therapy plans to restore balance from multiple angles simultaneously.

Benefits of Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy

Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) can profoundly improve wellbeing when hormones are low or fluctuating. With a precise prescription tailored to your lab testing, positive effects include:

Reduced Menopause Symptoms

For perimenopausal and menopausal patients, balanced BHRT alleviates uncomfortable symptoms like:

Restored estrogen levels prevent the accelerated bone loss responsible for development of osteoporosis during menopause.

Improved Mood and Cognitive Function

Deficiencies in key hormones like thyroid, estrogen and testosterone have been associated with depression and memory problems. By returning levels to an optimal range, mental health and cognitive function improves.

Increased Energy and Endurance

Low thyroid slows metabolism causing fatigue. Low testosterone reduces muscle mass and stamina.

Balanced hormones enhance energy, allowing you to complete your daily activities without dragging through them exhausted."

Healthier Weight Management

Along with supporting metabolism and energy expenditure, proper hormonal signaling plays an integral role in:

Weight loss resistance is often due to underlying hormone disturbances. Restoration can get your body back into a healthy balance.

Restore hormone balance with advanced testing and therapy.

How Bioidentical HRT Works

The term "bioidentical" means the hormone structure precisely matches that made naturally in humans. At Elite Hormone Health we use exclusively bioidentical hormones to replenish deficiencies.

Forms of Bioidentical HRT

BHRT medications can come as:

These bypass liver metabolism providing cleaner absorption.

The route we recommend depends partly on which hormones we are replacing, along with patient preferences for convenience and dosing method.

BHRT Medication Ingredients

Common bioidentical ingredients include:

Compounded BHRT provides the ability to adjust proportions of each precisely.

Testing and Monitoring

Initiating hormonal therapy begins with baseline blood and saliva tests, along with analysis of symptoms. Follow up testing is conducted periodically to monitor progress and adjust prescriptions accordingly.

Most patients start feeling major improvements by 2-3 months. Further optimization of treatment plans usually occurs around the 6 month mark.

Ongoing medical supervision ensures your hormone levels stabilize safely in the ideal zones to resolve troublesome symptoms and sustain gains made in the early months.

Elite Hormone Health Advantages

Why Choose Elite Hormone Health?

Navigating hormone treatment can be confusing and frustrating if clinicians lack specialized expertise. At Elite Hormone Health in Lakewood, Colorado, we focus exclusively on restoring hormonal balance:

You can trust our female hormone doctors have the clinical experience to identify deficiencies and determine appropriate bioidentical replenishment.

A Comfortable and Convenient Atmosphere

Our beautifully appointed office offers a discreet, spa-like environment. You can relax during consultations in our comfortable rooms, with ample privacy during examinations.

We understand optimizing hormonal health often takes months, so convenient access makes continuity more likely. Extended weekday and weekend appointments better fit busy lifestyles.

You’ll find our caring staff focused on providing exceptional service during every phase – testing, prescribing, treatment administration if desired, and follow up monitoring.

We strive to alleviate the frustration many patients endure attempting self-care. Our hormone specialists actually listen with patience and empathy, explaining connections clearly while you learn.

You’ll feel heard and supported each step toward better wellbeing.

Lifestyle Factors for Improving Hormonal Health

While hormone therapy serves to restore balance quickly, certain lifestyle measures can lessen symptoms naturally and enhance response to treatment.

Nutritional Considerations

The following dietary tips help modulate hormone levels:

Stress Reduction

Chronic stress elevates cortisol, which can suppress thyroid, testosterone and reproductive hormones. Counteract elevated cortisol by:

Further Lifestyle Optimization

Additional wellness strategies to bolster treatment response include:

Cultivating healthy lifestyle habits creates an internal ecosystem supportive of optimal hormone replacement results. Our Elite Hormone Health practitioners can guide you toward better wellbeing from all vantage points.

Take control of your hormone health today!

The Future of Healthy Aging

Emerging research continues to demonstrate hormone optimization allows both women and men to look and feel their best throughout midlife and beyond.

At Elite Hormone Health in Lakewood we stay abreast of the latest advancements in the field so we can best support healthy longevity for patients.

We've helped many navigating menopause, andropause or struggling with suboptimal thyroid, cortisol or metabolism get back on track by correcting hormonal imbalances. We combine expertise in precision testing, bioidentical prescribing and proactive monitoring to ensure you sustain and continue building upon initial improvements made.

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